Saturday 9 May 2015

Day 1: Little sleep, long flight

So...the first proper post on my blog is going well….only writing it 4 5 days later...that’s totally legit right.

I feel the culture difference between home and Bangkok makes it seem like even more than four five days have passed. There is just such a culture shock here in Thailand, and a climate shock too - 37 degrees Celsius is not normal for me! But I feel that without the heat to deal with, it would not be feel so different and exotic. Yeah, I’m admitting I sort of like the heat, if only to reinforce how far away I am from home.

There is very little of interest to say about my travel from home to the airport. I mostly just want to mention it to be able to include my first attempt at making a photo collage with Google Photos ;)


It wasn’t too great, annoyingly, as I can’t select the photo order. Hmm...annoying.

I spent an enjoyable 5 hours in Birmingham Airport. Well, enjoyable is the wrong word - little about an airport is enjoyable except leaving it. But it was passable - 2 hours sitting in Costa completing notes about Laos (enabling me to bin another guide book) while getting horrified looks from a librarian-type while I cut-up said soon-to-be-rubbish guide book. Then I spent a slightly less relaxing 3 hours in a departure lounge crammed full of nail shacks and promotional cars, with a correspondingly diminished selection of seating. It really did feel cramped, and the airport’s obvious mercantile aims made the lounge much less appealing than the standard characterless-airless-mercenary-shithole departure lounge. I felt I won a small victory by not buying anything, not even water. Yes, I had to fill my bottle up very slowly and with warm water, but it was a small victory.


Onto the plane….well, what can I say. It was a plane. A fairly shabby plane actually, with some decidedly poor quality TV screens that made everything grey and miscoloured simultaneously - a feat their manufacturers should be rightly proud of. It was however sufficient for me to enjoy watching a few episodes of New Girl, and the new Kingsmen movie.

I do have two very nice things to say about the plan. One was the meal; roast lamb with mash and gravy was surprisingly nice, and I appreciated tasting English food for what might be the last time for over 100 days. The second was the small lights set into the aisle roofs that simulated stars when the cabin lights were dimmed. It was such a small unnecessary extra but I adored the effect. Sadly I did not get a non-blurry picture of them (it was like 3am, I was sleepy, it was dark, etc etc) so you’ll have to make do with a picture of my plane food.


This takes photographing your food to new heights of sadness...gettit???? Heights of sadness???


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